we need a humor forum.....until then

I don't know about now, but before the last change of the website, I thought I saw that this thread had around a million views......making it one of the most popular, if not *THE* most popular threads on the website.
Regarding: (1) post # 41 at https://benchrest.com/forum/threads/anyone-interested-in-buying-benchrest-com.105910/page-3 (specifically, the part about "limiting the post content to gun-related stuff (as suggested by the subtitle beneath the name of each Forum)"); (2) post # 2337 at https://benchrest.com/forum/threads/we-need-a-humor-forum-until-then.80966/page-117, and the overwhelming negative responses to said post; and (3) the above-quoted text from post # 2340 at the preceding link — I've given more thought to this thread.

From looking at the posts on this website over the past month, it looks like this "humor" thread is, by far, the most responded-to thread (and, maybe, the most viewed thread) on this website; however, I don't think it fits within Wilbur's intent for creating this website. I would like to see Benchrest Central get back to what may have been his intent when he created it, i.e., one dedicated to shooting-related topics. I don't know whether shutting down this thread will help revive this website, but I do believe it will be a move in the direction of the aforementioned intent. Accordingly, I cast my vote in favor of shutting down this thread in the near future.
Regarding: (1) post # 41 at https://benchrest.com/forum/threads/anyone-interested-in-buying-benchrest-com.105910/page-3 (specifically, the part about "limiting the post content to gun-related stuff (as suggested by the subtitle beneath the name of each Forum)"); (2) post # 2337 at https://benchrest.com/forum/threads/we-need-a-humor-forum-until-then.80966/page-117, and the overwhelming negative responses to said post; and (3) the above-quoted text from post # 2340 at the preceding link — I've given more thought to this thread.

From looking at the posts on this website over the past month, it looks like this "humor" thread is, by far, the most responded-to thread (and, maybe, the most viewed thread) on this website; however, I don't think it fits within Wilbur's intent for creating this website. I would like to see Benchrest Central get back to what may have been his intent when he created it, i.e., one dedicated to shooting-related topics. I don't know whether shutting down this thread will help revive this website, but I do believe it will be a move in the direction of the aforementioned intent. Accordingly, I cast my vote in favor of shutting down this thread in the near future.
A thread like this draw people to the site to look around. I for one enjoy it.
well lets see, over 1m views, over 2000 posts.
i think someone had a good idea, yet most here never liked the chap...
so much for their taste..
....I don't think it fits within Wilbur's intent for creating this website. I would like to see Benchrest Central get back to what may have been his intent when he created it, ......
and yet, somehow in conflict with his "intent", the thread survived a decade whilst under his control. a decade that included hundreds, if not thousands, of deleted threads.
and yet, somehow in conflict with his "intent", the thread survived a decade whilst under his control. a decade that included hundreds, if not thousands, of deleted threads.

Thread started 12-14-11 so it's Grandfathered in. I'm in too....

Another forum owner hates jokes and deletes subjects he wants to censor.

A racing forum I frequent was having problems with some people complaining about politics being posted. So, the owner, in his Conservative ways, made a sub forum just for Everything Political and told everyone how to block that forum so it didn't show on their screen. Well guess what, some of the same people that bitched about the politics still clicked on the new sub forum and then Bitched...WTF


Hopefully the humor thread will draw people here where they don't have to walk on egg shells...........

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Thread started 12-14-11 so it's Grandfathered in. I'm in too....

Another forum owner hates jokes and deletes subjects he wants to censor.

A racing forum I frequent was having problems with some people complaining about politics being posted. So, the owner, in his Conservative ways, made a sub forum just for Everything Political and told everyone how to block that forum so it didn't show on their screen. Well guess what, some of the same people that bitched about the politics still clicked on the new sub forum and then Bitched...WTF


Hopefully the humor thread will draw people here where they don't have to walk on egg shells...........

Ya what he said !
A thread like this draw people to the site to look around. I
That's debatable; I suspect people come to this site to see new posts — regardless of what kind.

and yet, somehow in conflict with his "intent", the thread survived a decade whilst under his control. a decade that included hundreds, if not thousands, of deleted threads.
I don't know why Wilbur tolerated this thread, but I am confident that his intent in starting this website was to provide a place for shooting-related posts. As for "a decade that included hundreds, if not thousands, of deleted threads," I've been a member here since before this thread started, and those numbers sound like exaggerations to me.

Another forum owner hates jokes and deletes subjects he wants to censor.
What forum is that?

As for me having been out-voted (including by some who "Like[d]" my post # 41 referenced in my post # 2441 above), I wonder if there's a compromise position on this matter. What do y'all think about staying away from libelous-, profane-, racist-, and sexist-type posts? (Don't ask me to define such posts; all of us probably know 'em when we see 'em.)
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That's debatable; I suspect people come to this site to see new posts — regardless of what kind.

BTW, I inadvertently clicked "Like" to your post # 2443 above, and I don't know how to undo it. :(

I don't know why Wilbur tolerated this thread, but I am confident that his intent in starting this website was to provide a place for shooting-related posts. As for "a decade that included hundreds, if not thousands, of deleted threads," I've been a member here since before this thread started, and those numbers sound like exaggerations to me.

What forum is that?

As for me having been out-voted (including by some who "Like[d]" my post # 41 referenced in my post # 2441 above), I wonder if there's a compromise position on this matter. What do y'all think about staying away from libelous-, profane-, racist-, and sexist-type posts? (Don't ask me to define such posts; all of us probably know 'em when we see 'em.)
If you don't like it don't look at it, don't deprive the rest of us that enjoy it.
It is going to take a bunch of dedicated effort to bring this site back to its former status. Somehow all those knowledgeable shooters and posters have to be enticed to come back and begin to use this site as they did before. I get it that you need serious content. But eliminating this string which probably brings as many views as anything seems to me to be counter productive. Don't run off those that you have. But hey. Its not my site to run.
By the way, Gentlemen, that new page 123 was a morning frustration to me.
What about another thread to host the debate about keeping or deleting the humor thread ?

Furthermore, I do not even understand the purpose of the discussion ragging in here.

Are we all witnessing some kind of awaking bench rest radicalism ?
Are we soon to see here some self proclaimed ayatollah's club claiming that 6PPC is the only way for the true bench rest believer ?

So my today's input to the discussion is to cancel the air gun benchrest forum straightaway. It's against 2A and that is not bearable.

Now should someone wanna really wonder about BRC philosophy , let me remind you my post about the search function and/or the old post/thread data base transfer / handling to/by the new forum engine/host.

I have tens of old links to bullet making threads that are not working anymore, which I can understand. But when I "search" for them using the exact thread titles on the new platform (as bookmarked by the past) , there is no thread found.

Wrote Elmer, no answer.
Now, forum is for sale.

May Mr. Ericson walk on rose petals for the next thousand year for bringing one of these old Bullet Making Pics thread back to life.

Should I had no access to this information some years back, I will NEVER have made the decision to get in the bullet making adventure. Never.

But at that time, I found it, so I finally went through, and I am now in a position to share with and support a fellow shooter wondering about BM, and so will have bench rest walking 1 step further.

To me, here is the true discussion point. This forum cradle of life is History with a Big H. Having no access to History and search forum knowledge base any more is just a shame.

Keeping or deleting the Humor thread is just choking the chicken.