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  • When are you and Johnny going to join us?
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    Reactions: 300_varminter
    steve stanley
    Hi Jeff, I'm just now have a decent 30 barrel so I'm trying to get my act together on score shooting. I've chambered up a pretty decent ppc and I'm playing with a tuner.i would really like to figure out how to keep it in tune all day with the tuner.
    Ha!! You and everyone else would like to find a way to keep it in tune. A tuner can help but it has it's limitations. Don't get stuck on the amount of powder that you hear others shooting because it really depends on the lot of N133 that you are shooting!
    steve stanley
    I'm not going to shoot a ppc as hot as these guys are talking, it has to totally wreck the brass. I'm currently shooting some old pulldown 8208 that I've had for years. Congrats on some good shooting at the nats. And at the rock.
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