
internet bum
Adrenalectomy is the surgical removal of an adrenal gland. For me it would be due to a growth on both adrenal glands that is benign, but producing cortisol resulting in hypercortisolism. It can lead to Cushing's Disease or Cushing's Syndrome. High blood pressure and diabetes can result from it also.

Has anyone here undergone the procedure? If you felt better afterwards in what way did you feel better? I also ended up with foot drop and neuropathy and other issues with my feet and lower legs, but some of that might be connected to my spinal stenosis issues. Did any issues end up reversing themselves? Recovering from the surgery itself probably is no big deal. The other problem is replacing the hormones that were provided by the removed adrenal gland. It can take months to get it right with the possibility of emotional swings to both the high and low side. The endocrinologist tells me that they would remove the adrenal gland with the largest growth/hyperplasia. Aside from doing nothing, surgical removal of the adrenal gland seems to be the preferred [if not exclusive] method of dealing with the issue.
I had an adrenal gland removed due to a benign growth about the size of a tennis ball. Within months my bloodpressure stabilized and is now excellent. The surgeon did tell me (jokingly I guess) that if you see danger coming at you - start running as I won't have the natural adrenaline rush any more.
I had an adrenal gland removed due to a benign growth about the size of a tennis ball. Within months my bloodpressure stabilized and is now excellent. The surgeon did tell me (jokingly I guess) that if you see danger coming at you - start running as I won't have the natural adrenaline rush any more.
My growths aren't quite that large. Did your other adrenal gland make up for the cortisol shortage or do you take meds for that? Or is the amount from the remaining one good enough?

Also curious how something could go so long as to get that large without being discovered sooner?

In my case the growths were discovered largely by serendipity just as most of them are. I had an orthopedic surgeon request an MRI before he'd see me. Fortunately on that one they went up high enough to see the kidneys. So I ended up seeing a urologist and endocrinologist to deal with those. No idea how long I had those issues. Had high BP for years, but I'm not sure if high cortisol is the cause.
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I don't take any meds for it, I guess my other adrenal gland does the job. Not sure how it got so large without detection but it was discovered by chance while doing an ultra sound for something else. They then did a cat scan to confirm followed by PET scan followed by surgery.
I don't take any meds for it, I guess my other adrenal gland does the job. Not sure how it got so large without detection but it was discovered by chance while doing an ultra sound for something else. They then did a cat scan to confirm followed by PET scan followed by surgery.

All's swell that ends swell. Did you go through anything like mood swings or general malaise or were you pretty much the same as you were before the surgery?
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